Monday, June 4, 2012

11 Weeks Old

Our little princess is 11 weeks old today. I feel like these past 11 weeks have flown by. So much has happened!

When we brought our little girl home she didn't move much, didn't smile, didn't laugh, I would give her a bath and she would just sit there staring at nothing. She didn't recognize anybody's voice nor would she turn to look at where that noise is coming from. She slept about the same she does now, just more during the day and not at all at night. She was a newborn, and to her daddy and I, she was absolutely perfect. Everything about her made us smile. She didn't have to do anything, she stole our hearts the second we saw her. She was absolutely beautiful. March 18th 2012 Brandon and I went from being a married couple, to a family.

I obtained a whole new love that day. This little person who I had just met, turned my life around the second she joined it, but that is not what I am talking about here. I was not only a wife, but a mother as well. Brandon was not only my husband, but the father of our beautiful baby girl, our pride and joy. The love I gained towards him is a love that will never lessen. It is one that will burn strong forever.

When I found out I was pregnant, Brandon was there with me and I have to admit, I was a bit scared. He was happy for us. His excitement made it very easy for me to be so excited. He was happy and I was thrilled to see him so excited to be a daddy, and oh boy was he excited! He had every reason to be, look where we are today. We have this amazing little girl to call our own, and she has a fabulous daddy that loves her so. A mommy too of course!

Since that day we realized that we had so much more to look forward to. So much more to plan for. We started discussing where we wanted to live, what kind of school we were going to send our girl to, what kind of activities we would like to see her take part in. We were curious who she would look like. Would she have blonde hair like mommy, or brown hair like daddy? Small lips or big lips? Blue eyes or green eyes? Who's personality would she have? But however she may turn out to be, one thing was for sure, she would be our little girl for the rest of our lives and we couldn't be any happier.

The past 2 1/2 months have exceeded my expectations. The love that I have for our girl is impossible to describe in words. The entire time I was pregnant, people would tell me "your life is about to take a big turn" "your life will never be the same" "you have no idea" and I always thought they were being negative (because people usually are) but they were right. I thought I had an idea, I thought I knew the love I would experience. I can now admit that I was wrong. I am glad I was though because it is way better than I expected.

Now 2 1/2 months later we no longer have our newborn, we now have our infant, our baby. She has grown so much, it is unbelievable. Raquel was born at 7.1lbs and has now, 11 weeks later, more than doubled her weight to 14.8lbs. She was born at 18.5 inches and last time she was measured (3 weeks ago) she was 23 inches. She oohs and ahhhs, goos and gahhs. She smiles all the time, and her little giggle is the most adorable thing you could even imagine. The way she recognizes mine and Brandons faces and voices warms my heart. She holds her head up like a champ and farts like a man (haha). She has an incredible number of facial expressions and she likes to go through them all in about 30 seconds. Raquel is mad, now she's happy, now she is sad, now something was funny, now she is surprised, and so on and so on. Brandon likes to say that she is just a big ball of emotions. 

She is our beautiful little ball of sunshine who likes to keep us on our toes. Just wait til she can crawl/walk/run! We are looking forward to everything this little girl has in store for us down the road.

Raquel has her first doctors appointment tomorrow morning.  I am very excited, which I am not sure if I should be considering she will be getting her first set of shots. My poor baby. I am happy to say that both Brandon and I will get to be there. Maybe we will take her out for some ice cream after... ;P Im kidding!! Pick your jaws up off the floor!

So I had promised Gramma Tasker that every month on the 15th I would take a picture of her granddaughter next to her big bear. The 15th of May came and went and I completely forgot. However I got one of her today at 2 1/2 months (11 weeks).

Thank you to everyone who has been keeping up with my posts. Also to the ones who tell me how much they love reading them daily. I realized that this is not only for my enjoyment and yours. Years from now I can show Raquel these posts and she will get to see what she was like as a baby and what mommy and daddy were thinking and how much her brother loves her. So I really hope you all continue to enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy babbling about my princess. Let me know if you have any questions or comments and I can cover them in a following post. THANKS AGAIN!


  1. Hi, I'm following from Baby Bump. Just wanted to say how absolutely adorable your lil Raquel is! Our experiences are very similar and reading this post brings back so many emotions and memories for me. :)

    1. Thank you :) I am really happy that you can relate because the feeling is unbelievable. Thanks for following. I would love to hear stories about your little one. Or anything ours have in common. Very cool of you to take interest in my princess.

    2. She is getting so big and I have been enjoying every one of your posts.

      I love you and cant wait to read the next.

