Saturday, June 2, 2012

Just For Fun

Today has been a Raquel and I kinda day. I love spending my days with her even though it does make it very hard to get anything done. I have noticed recently that a lot of moms have their babies on a schedule by the time they are Raquel's age. As in an eat, sleep and nap schedule. We are still working on that night time sleep schedule. I don't know how I could possibly have her on a schedule like that already. It is amazing to me that these other moms do.
So today I have made sure to write down every nap and every feeding, and I will do this for at least a week to see if maybe she is on some type of schedule and I just haven't realized it. So far, this is how last night and today has gone.
11pm (last night) - 12:30am: Sleep
12:30am-1:30am: Eat 
1:30am-11:30am: Sleep (10 HOURS!!!)
11:30-12:45: Eat Play
12:45pm-1:30pm: Sleep
1:30pm-3:15pm: Bath Eat Play
3:15pm- 3:45pm:Sleep
3:45pm-4:00pm: Play
4:00pm-5:30pm: Eat Play
5:30pm-7:10pm: Sleep
Now she is slowly waking up I'll feed her and hopefully now she stays up until somewhere between 9:30-11pm.
Does that sound like a good schedule? Between 13-16 hours of sleep a day?

Time for some cute pictures!!!!

"Think outside the cone"- Koda

"Mom, whats with all the pictures?- Koda

"Mom, whats with Koda's head?- Raquel

PS!! My girls farts are REALLY starting to stink! Haha


  1. She wakes up from all night sleep n the. A hour n 15 into her days she sleeps again? Then she is up for a Lil over 2 hours n then back to sleep then 3 hours later sleep and she sleeps between 30 mins to a 1 hour... Hmm I guess no doesn't seem bad I don't remember how often Hamey went to sleep he did sleep all night though so!! Idk
