Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Boot Scootin' Boogy

Every now and then my little princess will come to the decision that mommy is not allowed to get anything done. Yesterday she made that decision around, I'd say, 4pm. My little mommas girl had to be, not next to, on momma every second of the day. Which I am mostly okay with. I love the time I get to spend with her, but then again, there was a lot for me to do around the house that I had procrastinated on long enough. However, of course, the time my girl wanted with me towered over the dishes and the laundry on my list of priorities. She isn't going to want me like that FOREVER, so I will cherish every bit of it at this point in her life.

Raquel recently started smiling a lot while she is awake and every now and then she will have the cutest attempt at a laugh I think I have ever seen. Her smile brightens up my days. Anything that is currently on my mind, everything that is wrong becomes right for that moment in time. The innocence of my baby girl, the honesty and love in her smile gets me every time. How this little being altered my life is such a large way, I will never be able to explain, but I will always be thankful for the opportunity I have been given to be her mom.
If I would have told myself 3 years ago that in 3 years I would be married, and have a baby, I would have told myself to get off whatever I am taking. But here I am, happily married with an amazing man, and an unbelievable daughter.
So now to what I really wanted to get to in this post.
I didn't see it happen or I would have taken a video. I put Raquel in her crib when she fell asleep. About 5 minutes later i hear her fussing, which then turns into a cry. So I go into her room to check on her, and her head is up against the headboard of the crib! She has never moved from her spot before aside from the times she has rolled from belly to back. This little miss scooted! I was so proud. Proud mama! She really is growing up so fast it is unbelievable, and even though I want her to stay little forever, it is so hard not to fill with pride and joy as she continues down these milestones.
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I am not sure if you all know this but Raquel started rolling over from tummy to back at 2 WEEKS!! You could only imagine the amazement in mine and Brandon's faces when she appeared as if she was trying to roll over. So we grab our phones and start to take a video. She rolled over 3 times that night.

Raquel Emilyn- BATH TIME!! 5/29/2012

1 comment:

  1. I think Raquel is going to keep on amazing us for a long time. There is nothing better than her adorable smile!!
    love you tons!
    Grandma Tasker
